
School Quality Survey

The Hawaii Department of Education administers the School Quality Survey to capture the voices of school personnel, students, and, parents/guardians in public DOE schools and charter schools.

Strive HI Report

The Strive HI School Performance Report is an annual snapshot of a school’s performance as measured by key indicators of student success.

Trend Report

This report provides three years of trend data on school, complex and state performance at selected benchmark grade levels with performance indicators in areas relating to student achievement, safety and well-being, and civic responsibility.

School Status and Improvement Report

One of several major accountability reports produced annually by the DOE. This report contains a description of the school and its setting, a summary of school improvement progress, available resources, and vital signs on school performance.

ESSA Report

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Report is designed to provide information to parents, communities, educators, and policy makers to help them better understand school performance. It also helps system leaders tailor support and improvements for schools based on their individual needs.

All school reports can be accessed on the Accountability Resource Center Hawaii website.